Outdoor Adventure
Brave the elements with Sunwise® brand new Outdoor Adventure collection. Each model included within the collection has been purposed built to survive in even the toughest of conditions.
The latest innovations to our eyewear will help protect you from the sun, wind, dust and anything else the elements can throw at you. Besides the latest in eyewear innovation each model comes with a lightweight wraparound frame that features rubber nose pads for added comfort.
Why Sunglasses Are Important
When spending hours in the great outdoors you are exposing yourself to harmful UV rays. It is common practice these days to protect your skin with sun cream but many still leave their eyes unprotected. Over exposure to UV rays, especially during peak times, can have an extremely harmful affect on your eyesight and can lead to such illnesses as cataracts and cancer of the eye.
These dangers are increased when taking part in outdoor sports & leisure activities. Those of you who love to go hiking, climbing or mountaineering are putting yourself in the way of harm if you remain unprotected. When at higher altitudes you are being exposed to higher levels of UV radiation meaning protection is must, especially for mountaineers and climbers.
For those who love to spend time on or around the water, sunglasses may be even more necessary. Water reflects 100% of UV rays meaning your eyes could be damaged on two fronts. We recommend wearing polarised sunglasses when out on the water as it will help remove glare and will give you the clearest view possible.